Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Faculty Research Award Report

The work represented on this website is a result of a Faculty Research Award granted by the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2005. The proposed area of research was "Site-Specificity and Video Projection," and the award was used to procure two 4500-lumen video projectors and a gasoline-powered generator.

From the report: "This investigation of site specificity through video projection is an extension of my research and production of artwork involving the moving image. The project combines projected video images with outdoor sites, both manmade and natural.

Aesthetic and physical features, proximity to a public, and potential for conceptual development are examples of considerations for choosing a site. Video imagery may then be gathered from the physical location, digitally processed, and reintroduced to the site via large-scale video projection."

Projection-Performance at Sala Diaz Is Open

link to more information